



体验澳门网络博彩游戏美丽的公园式校园,在那里您将享受最先进的教室和实验室, 教师的个人关注, 以及充满活力的社区生活.


澳门网络博彩游戏, 我们说“芝加哥是我们的教室”,” because our city offers endless opportunities for h和s-on learning, 娱乐, 服务体验.





If you have completed high school (equivalent to the American grade 12), 你应该以一年级学生的身份申请.



If you have completed 12+ semester hours at one or more colleges or universities, 你应该申请转学生.



If you have been selected by your university to attend North Park, 你可以申请作为交换学生.



If you have earned a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, you are eligible to apply for a master’s or doctoral program.


Additional information may apply to students from specific countries/项目.


欢迎来到北公园! The items listed here will help guide you through your transition. The list is laid out step-by-step; you can start at the top as soon as you receive your acceptance letter, 和 some items must be completed before others can be started. 如果有什么地方让你感到困惑,或者你需要更多关于某个步骤的信息,请毫不犹豫地与招聘人员交谈. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 medrake@alfombritas.com.

我们推荐的第一件事是 认识你未来的同学 through an exclusive Facebook group for newly admitted students. Be sure to share your excitement about coming to North Park 和 use the hashtag # NewNorthParkers 与其他学生交流.

2021-22录取学生  2022-23录取学生

Your $200 tuition deposit confirms your intention to enroll at North Park University, 这是你第一学期账单的学分. You can pay this deposit via check or debit/credit card.  如需网上付款,请使用您的申请电邮及密码登入您的自助服务帐户.



  • 六月一日:秋季学期
  • 12月15日:春季学期

现在你已经支付了学费押金,你应该会收到一封来自北公园信息技术部的电子邮件,上面有你的NPU用户名和电子邮件地址. 激活您的NPU帐户, you just need to set your password 和 setup the multi-factor authentication (MFA).


After your network account is activated, you will be able to:

    • 使用您的北公园电子邮件地址
    • 支付住房保证金
    • 注册课程
    • 访问其他校园资源

After you have paid your tuition deposit, you are eligible to 注册课程. Beginning in mid-April (for the fall semester) or early November (for the spring), 注册信息将在注册打开后立即发送到您的北园电子邮箱.  Contact your recruiter for more information about registration.


  • Be registered for full-time courses, between 12-17 credit hours (4-6 classes)
  • 你的课程表将包括主修课程和 核心课程 courses (courses not associated with your major but required for all students, i.e. Intro to Bible, Global History, Physical 和 Life Science, etc.)
  • If you are a transfer student, you can access you transfer evaluation at 自助服务. 请仔细检查你的评估,并与你的招生顾问联系. 你也可以读到 理解你的评估.
  • 期间会有一个指定的时间 阈值 for you to meet with an advisor to make schedule changes as necessary.

We are excited to have you join the North Park community. 我们需要知道你是否计划住在校园里,或者你是否符合条件的通勤学生. 我们鼓励学生住在校园里,这样你就可以与不同背景和兴趣的人交往.


只有在你被录取并且在你支付学费押金至少24小时后,你才有资格申请校内住宿.  应用:

  • 支付250美元的住房押金. (仅限F1签证持有人)
  • 在你支付了住房保证金之后, 住宿信息和说明在2月(秋季学期)和10月(春季学期)开始发送给寄存学生。.
  • 在你注册了第一学期的课程后,你会收到一份校内住房分配.

这笔住房押金在你在北园大学学习期间一直持有,并在你毕业时退还给你.  如果对你居住的校园住房进行了任何损失费评估,你毕业时收到的押金金额可能少于250美元.



If you plan on commuting, you must complete the commuter application.  如果你符合以下条件之一,你将有资格从校外通勤:

  • 你与父母或法定监护人住在距离校园40英里以内的主要住所
  • 您具有高级身份(90学时或以上)
  • You are at least 21 years old on September 1 of the current academic year
  • 你结婚了


If you have received your I-20 or DS-2019 和 it is marked 最初的出勤率 (I-20)或 开始新项目 (DS-2019),你就可以开始申请签证了.  如果你还没有收到I-20或DS-2019,请联系国际招生人员.


  • Your SEVIS ID will be printed on your I-20 or DS-2019 和 begins with “N”
  • 打印一份您的在线收据的副本,以便在您面试时和您去美国旅行时随身携带


    • You’ll be able to schedule your visa interview after completing the DS-160 application

Prepare 和 bring to your visa interview the following:

      • Passport valid for at least 6 months after your intended period of stay
      • 表格I-20或DS-2019用蓝色墨水签署
      • 录取通知书
      • DS-160 & i - 901收入
      • 资金证明(更新的银行对账单)
      • 准备好讨论 为什么 你选择来北公园
      • Proof that you will return to your home country following the degree program
      • 保持冷静,诚实坦率地回答问题

J-1签证持有人: The United States requires all individuals to have health insurance.  作为一个国际学生, 我们将在每学期开始时核实你是否有合适的保险.  Below are the minimum policy requirements that we will check for:

承保范围 联邦最低保险要求
医疗福利 $100,000
遗体遣返 $25,000
医疗疏散 $50,000
每次事故或疾病可扣除 $500



North Park mails your first fall semester bill around July 1, 并在12月初发送春季学期账单. 学生必须全额支付帐单, or have an approved payment plan in place with the Office of Financial 援助 by the 发表的最后期限.

在第一学期的账单结清之前,你不能注册第二学期的课程(无论是全额支付还是按照批准的付款计划支付)。. You can view 和 make payments on your bill online through 自助服务 (使用您的北园网络账号登录).

免疫和医疗信息: After you have paid your tuition deposit, you’ll receive an 免疫接种记录表 that you must complete 和 return to the University. 每年7月15日(秋季学期)或12月15日(春季学期)截止。. 如果你参加了我们的校际运动队之一,请填写 pre-participation包.

如果到达时没有接种最新的疫苗, you will be responsible to get the necessary vaccinations.  在美国,如果你的健康保险不包括这笔费用,接种疫苗可能会很昂贵.

These are the three to four types of vaccines that are required:

      • 破伤风、白喉和百日咳三联疫苗
      • MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹)疫苗
      • Covid-19疫苗
      • Only if you are 22 years old 和 younger (Meningococcal conjugate) vaccine
      • 肺结核疫苗

作为北园大学的学生或员工, 你可以在校园安全办公室为你的澳门网络赌博游戏身份证拍照, (校园地图上的8号楼).

You will be required to show an official picture ID (driver’s license, 状态标识, 以前的学生证或有效证件, unexpired passport) when you pick up your North Park ID card.

请注意: These ID cards are for our 芝加哥 campus students 和 employees. If you are part of a program that is not held on our 芝加哥 campus, 请与您的项目主任或主管谈谈是否需要澳门网络赌博游戏的身份证.

北园大学致力于为所有学生创造一个安全、有教养的社区. Take a moment to explore the many resources we make available to our students, from a nighttime shuttle service to a safety app for your smartphone. Both of these initiatives—和 more—are part of our 安全社区倡议.

在每个秋季学期之前, 我们还提供两个在线课程,提供重要信息,以确保您在澳门网络赌博游戏的安全和健康. 更多关于这些项目的信息, 大学酒精教育 避难所-理解性侵犯,将在春夏两季送来. 与此同时,你可以 多学一点.

All members of North Park’s community have rights 和 responsibilities. 确保你知道作为一名学生对你的期望是什么——你将对大纲中列出的标准负责 学生手册和大学目录.

在国际培训期间, 我们会安排你们去当地的百货商店购买那些体积太大无法打包的必需品. You will need the following but we recommend purchasing after you’ve arrived:

      • 床上用品(毯子、被单、枕头)
      • 洗漱用品(包括毛巾及毛巾)
      • 暖和的衣服(这是) 风城, 毕竟)

更多信息,请访问我们的 居住生活和住房 page.


North Park offers complimentary airport shuttle service on International Arrival Day.  接送服务只在指定的日期进行,并且只针对抵达奥黑尔国际机场(ORD)的学生。.

在你登机之前, please make sure you have with you in your carry-on luggage the following:

      • 表格I-20或DS-2019(交换学生)
      • 录取通知书
      • DS-160和I-901收据
      • 你的招生顾问的联系方式


来美国的国际学生.S. 在你的I-20或DS-2019上的项目开始日期前30天内,第一次被允许入境. Please do not plan to arrive any sooner otherwise you may be denied entrance to the U.S.

Airport pickups have been suspended due to COVID-19, 然而, 随着病毒变得更加可控, 接机将恢复. 请联系Michael Drake medrake@alfombritas.com 查询2022年秋季开学时间.


Take a look at some facts about North Park University.

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