The Academy of Church 领导人hip


成为牧师或教会领袖比以往任何时候都更有要求,而且远远不止是属灵领袖. Funded by the Lilly Endowment, 北园大学教会领袖学院致力于为宗教领袖提供有效教会成长所需的技能. Programs focus on professional development in finance, 管理, and leadership for religious leaders. 点击这里 to watch an informational video on the Academy of Church 领导人hip.


5th Annual TACL Fall Conference

8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

The Academy of Church 领导人hip welcomes pastors, 教会员工, 所有教派的平信徒领袖参加由牧师主持的为期两天的研讨会, 教师, and practitioners in church administration.

Workshop 1: How To Help Pastors, 领导人, 与志愿者在新冠肺炎疫情后的教会中点燃事工之火(第一天)
Presenter: Trevor James, PhD

本次会议将重点关注发现后covid教会中存在的倦怠及其对牧师的影响, church leaders and volunteers. From mental health issues such as anxiety, 抑郁症, 精力不足, to pastors leaving the ministry, 教会领袖不再愿意服事,义工也大幅减少. 它还将审查经常被遗忘的技术团队志愿者/工作人员,他们在这段时间里被召唤了很多人,他们仍然感到过度劳累, 被低估了, 推到一边, and now are leaving their positions. Together we will review the research and assess our current “burn out levels, 讨论解决方案并找出切实可行的方法来改善我们的心理健康和照顾所有为教会服务的人,这样我们就可以重新点燃事工的火焰.

Workshop 2: Congregational Emotional Systems and Pastoral Transitions (Day 1)
推荐者:牧师. 彼得Sjoblom
受新冠肺炎疫情和政治两极化的影响,20%的教会面临牧师退休或辞职. 通过快速search来仓促解决问题可能会导致下一任牧师成为一个无意的临时牧师. 当我们面对这个不确定的未来时,要做出健康的选择需要做些什么呢? 本工作坊以情绪系统理论及实际应用为基础,以帮助焦虑的会众.

Workshop 3: Adaptive 领导人hip (Day 1)
推荐者:牧师. 唐·罗宾逊
We live in a 改变 world. 教堂也是 改变. Responding to a post-COVID-19 pandemic requires change. 领导人hip needs to adapt and change. 当教会适应出席人数的变化时,过去对教会领袖有效的方法可能不再有效, volunteer participation, 金融基础, 以及混合敬拜服务,包括面对面和在线参与. 在他们的书里, “领导人hip on the Line,” and “The Practice of Adaptive 领导人hip,“作者, 罗纳德。一个. 海菲兹, 马蒂Linsky, and Alexander Grashow, (Harvard Business School Press, © 2002, 2009), 描述一个从仅仅提供“技术解决方案”转变为领导的过程, “适应性地”应对机构和组织面临的挑战. 应对“适应性”的一个方面是“上阳台”,向深处看,向深处听, core issues confronting individuals and organizations. This workshop will explore the need for adaptive leadership, 为教会领袖提供一个框架和工具,以回应他们的会众和社区不断变化的需求.

Workshop 4: Church Board Governance (Day 2)
Presenter: Gianfranco Farruggia, PhD
This workshop examines best practices in governance from the nonprofit world. 它考察了非营利治理的历史,以及董事会的合规性和战略作用,以及如何应用于教会. Various problematic and tricky issues of transparency, 战略思考, church boards seeing the “big picture”, and dealing with volatility, 不确定性, 复杂性, and ambiguity (VUCA) will be addressed.

Presenter: Kathleen E. Murphy, MSW, PhD, MLIS (Day 2)
信仰或精神培育这个词在许多基督教语境中都有使用,但在理论和实践中都有不同的含义. 本工作坊将在教会整体结构和使命的背景下,从不同的角度探讨培育. There will be a brief discussion of the definitions, theological foundations, and the goals of formation. 凯思琳会更详细地讨论属灵培育的要素,以及应对教会生活中总体培育计划的机遇和挑战的策略. Using a multi-church collaboration called “Sacred Ground,” (a race and faith curriculum by the Episcopal Church) as an exemplar, this workshop will explore how to create an environment that engages, empowers and challenges people of faith individually, collectively and in community. This workshop is not about curriculum development; rather it is about faith formation anchored in the context of baptismal covenant.

Workshop 6: The Church and Civic Engagement (Day 2)
Presenter: Rich Kohng 




Nyvall大厅, Ohlson休息室, North Park Theological 神学院, 西福斯特大街3225号nue, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州

Interested in attending? Contact Helienai Rosales ( or (773) 244-6270.


The Academy offers academic 项目, including a certificate in church administration and a joint MDiv/MBA or MNA.

Joint MDiv/MBA or MNA Program


50% Tuition Reduction

As part of a long-standing commitment to keep education affordable, North Park University offers funds to qualified pastors, 教会员工, 和世俗领袖, plus non-profit and alumni tuition discounts. 从2018年秋季开始,参加教会管理研究生证书的学生将获得一份 50% tuition reduction for the courses in that program.


Latonya Latimore

Latonya Latimore, 芝加哥本地人, 她和女儿刚刚成立了一个青少年和儿童事工项目,她想找一个项目来支持这个项目吗. “When doing my research for nonprofit 项目, 吸引我的是North Park提供在线课程的能力,以及它在非营利性管理教育排行榜上的前十名.”


标志着. 史密斯

标志着. 史密斯来到北园大学,成为全职事工的战略领袖,专注于商业和金融. “My leadership competency has been strengthened, 我非常喜欢学习教会和非营利组织的健康人力资源实践, 战略管理, 风险管理, and volunteer 管理 practices.”


会议 & 研讨会

Professional development in finance, 管理, and leadership.



Timothy O’Brien, PhD, Program Director, The Academy of Church 领导人hip

Rochelle Robinson-Levant,商学院和非营利性管理学院副院长

关于 the Lilly Grant

Awarded to North Park to provide programming for church leaders.


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